Kiwanisano logo Lt. Gov.: Roberta "Bobbie" Bryan
Kiwanis symbol logo
Montesano, WA 1/20/03 Home of the first tree farm
Published randomly by the Montesano Kiwanis Club, Established 2/22/73
Meeting 6:30 a.m. Fridays at the Bee Hive Restaurant, Main and Pioneer
We have had phenomenal paricipation in all the acivities that occur in December. It all started with setting up the scenes in Fleet Park. The stable is looking a little worse for wear up close, but at a distance it still looks like a stable. Steve's Dad, John, made all new images for the santa scene. You need to check them out up close and personal to appreciate the his artisitic gifts. Many, many thanks John.

We received our first check from the Cartridge collection project. For turning in 35 cartridges, Lasr-lnk sent us a check for $68.00. Steve and Ron B have bundled up another group of cartridges and will be sending them out pretty soon.

The festival of lights concession was a great success this year. For our five hours of actual operation we netted about $500. That pays for one of our Scholarships. Many thanks go to Ron B for purchasing supplies and heading up the setup and takedown effort. We had really good support from members manning the ranks. Ray purchased a new large cooler for meat storage next year. Hopefully soon we can feel confident that we would pass a health inspection.

Committee Chairperson
Membership .................... Ray Sowers
Bulletin .................... Roger Lauckhart
Program ............................. Everyone
Inter club ........................ Ray Sowers
Sports Ann ....... Clarence Hollingworth
Bike Rodeo ............ Teri Zillyett/MPD
Scholarships .................... Steve Poler
PTO Carnival .............. Barry Freeman
Santa Claus Visits ........... Don Hansen
Park Christmas Scene David Yarbrough
Spaghetti Feed ....... Bennett/Lauckhart
Festival of People ... Bennett/Lauckhart
Festival of Lights ....... Hansen/Bennett
Adopt-a-Highway .........Barry Freeman
Elma Rest-stop ............... Ray Sowers
Entertainment Books ....... Ray Sowers
Food Bank .............. Roger Lauckhart
H and S aims .......... David Yarbrough
Young Children Priority 1 .... Bob Tate
Member Recog ........ David Yarbrough
Cartridge Collection .......... Steve Poler
Santa visits were fun again this year. We didn't have Bob Tate's voice, but we managed to sing most of our songs. Needed Bob to lead "The Twelve Days of Christmas!!"

We are considering setting up a Storyline phone in conjunction with the Timberland Regional Library. It's just a ghost of an idea now that originated from a Kiwanis International Idea List.

Our Entertainment Book sales project is complete. It looks like we sold real close to 50 books which I think nets us about $300 - 60% of another Scholarship. Many thanks to Ray who seems to have us sell more books each year.

Through our Weekly food bank collection at each meeting, we were able to provide Teri Z with $339 for MHS Foodbowl jail bail. The people at the food bank really depend on Foodbowl to stock their shelves. The High School kids did a great job this year!!!

Day Date Time Activity
Tuesday Mar. ? 6-8:30pm Family Fun Night
Tuesday April 1 Second half dues are due. $40
Friday April 18 6:30-7:30am Pastor Recognition Breakfast
Saturday May 17 10:00 a.m. Highway Cleanup
TBA May ? TBA Scholarship interviews
Wednesday June 4 8:00pm Baccalaureate at High School Commons
Saturday June 14 2:00 - 4:00 Eleventh Annual Bill Brookshire Bike Rodeo
Saturday July 26 10a.m. - 8p.m. Festival of People Concession
Fri-Mon Aug1-4/03 10a.m.-2a.m. Elma rest stop event