Kiwanisano logo Lt. Gov.: Roberta "Bobbie" Bryan
Kiwanis symbol logo
Montesano, WA 04/03/04 Home of the first tree farm
Published randomly by the Montesano Kiwanis Club, Established 2/22/73
Meeting 6:30 a.m. Fridays at the Bee Hive Restaurant, Main and Pioneer
This Friday April 9, 2004 is Good Friday. It is also the day of our Pastor Recognition (Appreciation) Breakfast. We have sent formal invitations to the Pastors of nine Churches in Montesano. The members of the club should plan to attend too. We will call everyone on our roster on Tuesday of next week to find out who can attend the breakfast. The Pastor Recognition Breakfast will be held at The Abel House, 6:30 a.m. I think Ray said the Country style breakfast will cost $10 per person.

Chris is restarting our once a month program project. Twelve members have volunteered to arrange programs. The schedule is as follows.

Month Person Month Person
March David August Bob
April Steve September Jon
May Chris October Sherman
June Clarence November Barry
July Roger

Committee Chairperson
Membership .................... Ray Sowers
Bulletin .................... Roger Lauckhart
Program ............................. Everyone
Inter club ........................ Ray Sowers
Sports Ann ....... Clarence Hollingworth
Bike Rodeo ............ Teri Zillyett/MPD
Scholarships .................... Steve Poler
PTO Carnival .............. Barry Freeman
Santa Claus Visits ........... Don Hansen
Park Christmas Scene David Yarbrough
Spaghetti Feed ....... Bennett/Lauckhart
Festival of People ... Bennett/Lauckhart
Festival of Lights ....... Hansen/Bennett
Adopt-a-Highway .........Barry Freeman
Elma Rest-stop ............... Ray Sowers
Entertainment Books ....... Ray Sowers
Food Bank .............. Roger Lauckhart
H and S aims .......... David Yarbrough
Young Children Priority 1 .... Bob Tate
Member Recog ........ David Yarbrough
Cartridge Collection .......... Steve Poler
Bicycles from Heaven ...... Ray Sowers
David arranged for Kenny Rice, Barry Hanson and Stacey Hughes from the Set Free Church to talk about their ministry in our area. They deal a lot with substance dependent victims. It was very interesting hearing their stories. Hopefully Kenny will be at the Pastor Recognition Breakfast.

Steve is getting ready to send in another batch of spent printer cartridges/toner containers. We've made several hundred dollars through his effort.

The Scholarship committee this year includes Chris, Jon and Bob. They will be meeting sometime in May (When Bob is in town) to interview applicants.

Bob will be back around May 3. Clarence should be back for the Pastor Recognition Breakfast.

Barry, Ron and Ray are working with Jeff Wetzel at MHS to possibly renovate our food concession trailer.

Time to sign up for the Festival of People concession.

Day Date Time Activity
Friday April 9 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. Pastor Recognition Breakfast - The Abel House
? May ? ? Scholarship interviews/evaluation
Saturday June 19 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. Bicycle Rodeo
Friday July 30 ????? Clean concession trailer and setup
Saturday July 31 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Festival of People Concession
Fri. - Mon. Sept. 24 - 27, 2004 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. Elma Rest stop coverage
Fri. - Mon. July 15 - 17, 2005 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. Elma Rest stop coverage